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Scholarships for Residents of
Bena, Loch, Nyora, Poowong and Surrounding Areas

Greenhills Community Benevolent Society Incorporated has as one of its aims, the encouragement of local residents to attain tertiary qualifications or an apprenticeship.

Greenhills Community Benevolent Society Incorporated is pleased to announce that the next round of applications for the scholarships will be accepted from July 1st 2019.

The scholarship is available to students attending an Australian university or tertiary institution or undertaking an apprenticeship in 2019. Preference will be given to those studying full-time and those studying Certificate 3 and above.

Students must have a residential connection with Bena, Loch, Nyora, Poowong or surrounding areas.
Value of Scholarship: The value of the scholarship is yet to be determined.
The maximum value will be $1000 per year.

Students may reapply each year, up to 4 times. Those who have had 4 scholarships may be eligible for our education grants which must be applied for separately.

Assessment Process
Applications will be assessed by the Greenhills Community Benevolent Society Incorporated Board. Short-listed applicants may be interviewed.

Applications will open on July 1st 2019 and must be received by 31st July 2019.

The Greenhills Community Benevolent Society decision is final.

Scholarships will be paid in early September 2019.

All applicants will be notified of their results.

Application forms can be obtained from:

The President,
Greenhills Community Benevolent Society Inc.,
P.O. Box 26
Poowong, Vic. 3988
Or download from